A colleague of mine from the Nebraska Writing Project
who teaches English at Ralston High School is currently
working on editing and publishing a book--alongside his wife--to be
released this April called What Teaching Means: Stories from America's Classrooms.
Dan's an incredible teacher, and though I haven't met his wife, Marni,
from what I know of their work on this book, they're quite the dynamic
duo. I'm impressed with all they're doing in order to humanize students
and teachers in a society that treats both more like machines. Not only
did they commit to organizing, editing, and then publishing this book
(with Rogue Faculty Press),
but they're also organizing a series of readings across the country.
The book's contributors span a wide geographical area stretching from
Oregon to New York. I know they have a reading planned in Omaha, one in
the works for the Ft. Collins area, and last I heard possibly one in
Wisconsin. I don't know how they raise kids, stay married, teach, take
classes, and work on a book together. They inspire me to be better, to
teach with passion, and to work through the ugly days.
Dan and Marni created and maintained a blog to publicize the book where they feature snippets of essays featured in the book, a beautifully written preface,
as well as reviews of the collection. You can also order a copy of the
book from their blog. If you care at all about the state of education in
our country, order a copy of What Teaching Means; you'll be encouraged by the stories.
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