
The views expressed in this blog are our own and do not (necessarily) reflect the views of the Ogallala Public School District.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Trying Twitter?

I was slow to come to love Twitter. A constant stream of everyday babble and gossip?
No thanks- I get enough of that in the high school's hallways.

But then Roger Adkins at ESU 16 taught me the first rule of Twitter- It's all about who you follow. I’m sure following Lady Gaga or Ellen DeGeneres can be rewarding, but I’ve benefited daily from following national tech leaders like rushtonh, dwarlick or megormi. You can also follow “threads,” which are designated by a hashmark (#); K12, edchat or even "3rd grade science" are just a few examples. Instantly, you have access to like minds across the globe.

The only (and I do mean only) reason I have not pushed Twitter more as a staff development tool for the district is because of filtering issues. Unfortunately, we have students who have learned to use social networks to cheat. I’m hopeful we will soon be able to open up Twitter to staff during the school day. In the meantime, check out Twitter at home some night, search for skrab, dmhelzer and ogschools, and give us a follow.

You don’t even need to actually Tweet to benefit from Twitter; just get an account, sit back and dip your toes into the stream of knowledge as it rushes by!

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